Testosterone is the hormone that makes men grow hair, have a deeper voice, and have a muscular build. It is produced by the testicles and peaks in early adulthood only to begin dropping 1 to 2% starting at about age 40. Is it important to treat low testosterone? In most cases, yes, but not always.
Advantages Of Testosterone
An appropriate level of testosterone builds strong bones, boosts mood and thinking ability, plus helps produce red blood cells. Many tout that it promotes longevity by helping to avoid the metabolic syndrome of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and obesity.
The opposite is known as low T.
Levels of testosterone decline with age and from other conditions including the following:
- Trauma
- Liver and kidney disease
- A stroke
- Illness
- Diabetes
- Obesity
- Certain medications
- Heart attack
Symptoms Of Low Testosterone
There are some specific and obvious signs of low T like lack of sexual desire or erectile dysfunction. At the same time, there can be more subtle signs including fatigue, decreased muscle mass and bodily hair, depression, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.
If you have symptoms of low T and the tests indicate the same, Davidson Family Medicine may recommend therapy.
For others, if there are no symptoms and the low T is only due to aging, no treatment is currently recommended. Some studies show that older men can suffer from suppressed immune function with treatment, and it can shorten their lives.
It is critical to discuss all this with Davidson Family Medicine in Davidson, NC.
Treatments For Low Testosterone
If Davidson Family Medicine recommends treatment for low T, there are several available methods.
Skin Patch
Applied every 24 hours it releases small amounts of hormone into the skin.
Topical gels are spread on the skin once a day on both upper arms, shoulders, or thighs.
Oral Therapy
Also called mouth patches, a capsule or tablet is placed on your gums or inner cheek twice daily.
These are implanted under the skin around the hip or buttocks area. They are replaced every 3 to 6 months.
Every 7 to 14 days.
Improvements are usually noticed within 4 to 6 weeks.
There are risks as well as benefits from taking testosterone treatments so weigh out the pros and cons with Davidson Family Medicine.
Contact Davidson Family Medicine at (704) 892-5454 if you think you might need treatment for low testosterone. Find out if it’s right for you.